Monday, October 18, 2010

Balloon Fiesta Part 3 - Special Shapes (Day 1)

Special shapes day at Balloon Fiesta Park always draws a large crowd. I would say it's definitely a different experience than seeing the traditional balloons.  The traditional shaped balloons are absolutely beautiful to see.  The special shapes are just amazing!  (The next post will also be special shapes, so stay tuned!)

Starting off with some more Dawn Patrol images!

Meet Waddles SnoBird!  He's my favorite balloon!  I have more pictures of him that will be in the next post!

This ladybug is a cutie floating on her sunflower.

Not too easy to see, but I love the little seagulls near the top of the lighthouse.


  1. I LOOOOVE the matryoshka doll! Such pretty colors. :)

  2. She's really pretty! Props for knowing what to call the doll! I just called her the Russian stacking doll. haha.
